Finding Experts


Public Interest Experts help public interest lawyers define how an expert can help advance their case.

With clearly defined expert needs, we then help the public interest lawyer identify the right expert for an issue or issues in the case.

Public Interest Experts' volunteers and/or paid staff use and expand their networks to find the person (or persons) that best fit the expert needs of the matter. Experts are professionals with a focus on particular issues or theories that they have written and spoken on over time through which they become known as someone with specialized knowledge on a particular issue, i.e., an expert. 

For example, Public Interest Experts has found experts through:

  • Economic consulting firms. Using contacts at commercial economic consulting firms, Public Interest Experts has placed expert projects with commercial firms that agree to take on the case pro bono.
  • Universities. Through research Public Interest Experts identified academics who have published articles in relevant areas demonstrating their credentials to be qualified as an expert in a litigation setting.