Research Support
Public Interest Experts can find or provide research support for the expert through its volunteers and staff and their expertise in collaborating with experts. For example, on one project Public Interest Experts sourced experienced volunteer researchers to perform quality control (auditing calculations and editing text) and in another found experienced researchers to conceptualize and perform analyses. All on a pro bono basis by Public Interest Experts.
Public Interest Experts, through the expertise of its volunteers and staff, has many years of collective experience identifying, using, and collaborating with experts to enhance a litigation party’s prospects of prevailing in a case. In the area of public interest advocacy, where budgets are tight and rarely allow for the use of experts, Public Interest Experts will supplement the public interest advocates advocacy by raising funding for and managing the use of experts in public advocacy.
Public Interest Experts, through the expertise of its volunteers and staff, has many years of collective experience identifying, using, and collaborating with experts to enhance a litigation party’s prospects of prevailing in a case. In the area of public interest advocacy, where budgets are tight and rarely allow for the use of experts, Public Interest Experts will supplement the public interest advocates advocacy by raising funding for and managing the use of experts in public advocacy.